Your to-do-list for this Christmas may be full now with a lot of work to do. Even so, we strongly recommend that you add these two items to your list to get a surprise we have prepared for you:
This is the way we are saying thanks to you for using our products. It is also our way to wish you of a happy holiday and give you a present of a nice website with a Christmas atmosphere.
Come on guys.
All PRO JoomlaShine templates are for sales, except JSN Boot – this is our special gift for you this Christmas.
With 4 color variations, a responsive layout, 40+ template parameters, and more are ready for you. Besides these “traditional features, JSN Boot brings your website a cool Christmas styling. Its header, menu items, modules and footer are designed with Christmas images and symbols such as Santa, pine trees, and so on. For more details, you should take a look at the article which introduces JSN Boot details.
With JSN Boot, you can have great Joomla websites with Christmas styling.
With the greatest Joomla website customized with JSN Boot, you get ALL current PRO UNLIMITED Joomlashine products: Joomlashine products: 11 Joomlashine templates +2 Joomlashine extensions
You know what we are talking about – The contest “The best Joomla! Site customized with JSN Boot”.
Here is the process (Very simple):
The winners can celebrate their New Year with the prizes described above.
So you guys, just:
Send us screenshot(s) and URL(s) via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / Facebook
We appreciate your websites customized with JSN Boot, and we are really looking forward to seeing them, to know that you have received a valuable present from us, and to give you more prizes. Please remember the submission time: From December 18th to December 30th, so hurry up!
Here, wed like to show you how JSN Boot can be utilized for multiple kinds of websites, staring from simple personal website ending with professional news portal. All content are fictions and serves for demo purpose only.
Here are some real life examples of JSN Boot.
JSN Boot has incredibly beautiful clean design with ultra flexible layout built-up from 28 module positions. The combination of 6 colors variation, 5 menu styles and 6 module styles results in a really remarkable website. In addition, super rich typography makes your content look stunning and clear for all users.
Read more: Layout - Colors Variation - Menu Styles - Typography - Module Styles Font Styles.
For us, JSN Boot is not just a template, but whole piece of software for which we spent more then 2 years. As the result you get ultra stable template with native RTL support and flawlessly running on IE6. Even more than that, there are multiple SEO & Accessibility features which make your website greatly visible for both search engines and people with disabilities.
Read more: RTL Layout Support - IE6 Support - SEO & Accessibility - Flash Gallery.
You will be surprised how such a capable template can be so easily handled. Majority of template features are conveniently managed by over 40 template parameters. You dont have to be a CSS master or PHP guru. Just set parameters as you want and enjoy the result.
Read more: Template Parameters.
Even when the template is deadly easy to use, we still provide very comprehensive documentation package of 3 PDF documents. So its really hard to get things done wrong, but if even so, you can get timely and professional support from our team as well as friendly community.
Next Step: Download template documentation for free.
All the benefits is available for you for just 29$. Our ultimate goal is to offer you a solution that in turns must bring you much more profit. Even more, we provide 30-days money back guarantee, so this is absolutely risk-free. Just give it a try and you wont look back.
Next Step: Download JSN Boot.
Welcome to the web site of Soldigital, your partner for paper to CAD services, manually OCR, data entry, GIS and Facility management (FM) solutions!
One of the fastest and easiest ways to learn template is to install sample data and start playing with it. JSN Boot provides unique mechanism of installing sample data directly on your current website. Just few steps and the demo website is here.
All JoomlaShine templates can be effortlessly configured by template parameters. In template setting page, you will find 55 template parameters arranged into logical groups for convenient operation. All parameters are equipped with description text for easier understanding.
JSN Boot provides 36+ module positions allowing you to have multiple layout configurations. Module positions are designed in smart way to cover all possible spot where you might want to put content. You can specify width of both overall layout and specific columns conveniently via template parameters.
JSN Boot provides 4 major colors variation for your taste. Each color variation covers not only the main background, but also color of drop-down menu, links, table's header and some others.
JSN Boot provides 5 menu styles to present your website navigation. The default Joomla! built-in menu module is utilized, so you don't need to install any external menu modules.
JSN Boot was developed with extreme focus on typography and we believe it provides the most comprehensive content presentation capability. Headings, text, links, tables, images, everything was designed with high level of refinement.
All templates have special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile-based.
Unlike other template providers, we do not develop something that looks like a mobile app with heavy menu and animation. We built compact and lightweight version of the template preserving the whole original look-and-feel.
All JoomlaShine templates are equipped with native RTL layout support. We spent huge amount of time tweaking every tiny details of the template to make it look absolutely awesome in RTL mode. Everything is horizontally-flipped including dropdown main menu and side menu.
Sample gallery images
Paper to CAD
We specialize in converting paper document and design development sketches into the CAD format of your choice.
3D Visualization
The 3D Visualization is useful as a design tool for exploring architectural space.
Digital floor plans
Creating of top quality digital floor plans from original architectural drawings or sketches.
The image gallery you see on this website is another cool product JSN ImageShow from With flash technology applied, you get smooth experience and consistent performance in all browsers.
For mobile device, we have built special lightweight Javascript version, so you can be absolutely sure about images presentation.
When you install sample data template, you will have one more powerful extension to manage your Joomla site: JSN PowerAdmin. It provides spotlight search, giving results as you type. When you find the desired item, just click it to open the edit page.
JSN PowerAdmin allows you to have full control under your Joomla website in single screen. You can manipulate elements by using convenient GUI with drag-n-drop operationsJSN Boot is equipped with comprehensive documentation package that will help you with template utilization.
When purchasing our products you are backed up with professional and timely support providing via: